Felidae Features — cat health

Tasty Treats for Feline Friends: A Guide to Cat-Safe Holiday Delights

Tasty Treats for Feline Friends: A Guide to Cat-Safe Holiday Delights

As the holiday season approaches, many pet owners want to include their beloved cats in the festivities by sharing holiday meals. However, it's essential to be mindful of what foods are safe for feline consumption to avoid potential health risks. Understanding the do's and don'ts of holiday foods for cats is crucial to keeping your furry friend healthy during this joyful time. While it's tempting to treat your cat with special holiday dishes, not all human foods are suitable for feline consumption. Understanding which holiday foods are safe for cats to consume is essential in ensuring their well-being. Which Holiday...

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Purrfect companions: Celebrating the global bond between cats and their people.

LOVING CATS WORLDWIDE EVENT: A Celebration of Feline Love and Whiskered Wonders

Calling all cat lovers worldwide! Join us for a purrfectly delightful celebration of our feline friends! The LOVING CATS WORLDWIDE EVENT awaits, brimming with whiskered wonders and all things cat.

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Adorable Scottish Straight cat with round eyes and plush fur.

The Scottish Straight Cat Breed: The Non-Folded Eared Feline

The Scottish Straight is a relatively new and rare breed of domestic cat that emerged as a variation of the popular Scottish Fold cat. With their medium-length coat, round face, and distinctive straight-up ears, the Scottish Straight offers cat lovers an alternate version of the sweet-faced Scottish Fold, without the controversial folded ears. Read on to learn all about this unique cat breed, from its origins and appearance to its temperament and care. What Exactly is the Scottish Straight Cat Breed? The Scottish Straight belongs to the Scottish breed group, which also includes the better-known Scottish Fold. While the Fold...

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Cat enjoying me time with owner.

Genetic Evaluations: Cat Breeds and Worldwide Disease Impact

Cat breeds display a diverse array of morphological traits and personalities. However, years of selective breeding have also led to an increased prevalence of genetic diseases. Understanding the genetic structure of breeds is important for managing genetic health.    This article will cover the origins and relationships among cat breeds, examine overall genetic diversity, and highlight the frequency of genetic disease. Genetic testing is an important tool for responsible cat breeding. Ultimately, maintaining the diversity and health of our domestic cats is a global effort.   What Are Some Common Cat Breeds and Where Did They Originate?    There are...

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